- Movement Room
Learning to Learn has two Pre-Kindergarten groups: The Yellow Bears and Blue Butterflies. Each group consists of up to 24 children and 2 teachers. The children and teachers move throughout the school as a group, participating in activities in four basic areas: the Art Room, the Movement Room/Playground, the Readiness Room, and the Library. All areas offer a developmentally appropriate curriculum using a fun, hands-on approach.
Our pre-K program has an excellent reputation among the areas elementary schools for preparing your child for kindergarten and beyond. This is due to our strong emphasis on early literacy, math and by focusing on the whole child, both socially and emotionally. Four and five year olds want to know the how’s and why’s. They are truly becoming more independent in their ways of thinking. Our well-trained staff can offer guidance, while allowing learning and discovery to occur for every child regardless of their individual learning styles.
Children will be introduced to the alphabet and phonics through our letter and sound of the week program. Writing is strongly encouraged as is sounding out simple words. Many children will be “ready to read” or reading upon completion of our pre-K program.
With this strong foundation, we are confident that your child will continue to love learning and their school experience throughout the years.
Yellow Bears Schedule
6:30 am – 8:00 am | Good Morning! Please bring your child to the Art Room. Our early morning children have breakfast up until 7:30 am. You may bring your child’s breakfast to eat here. |
8:00 am – 8:15 am
Games. Yellow Bears and Blue Butterflies are combined to play games outside or in the Movement Room. |
8:15 am
Preschool Begins. |
8:15 am – 9:00 am
Movement/Outside Time. We are outside or in the Movement Room. Large motor skills are used during parachute play, musical activities and climbing in the “habitrail.” Group games to improve coordination, balance, and listening skills. |
9:00 am – 9:45 am
Art Room We are in the Art Room for theme related creative art activities. This includes exploration of a wide variety of art materials and cooking projects. Creativity is emphasized. |
9:45 am – 10:00 am
Snack Time. Hand-washing, and a healthy snack is provided, usually consisting of a variety of fresh fruit and crackers. |
10:00 am – 10:15 am | Outside Time: Children have a short recess time to enjoy our playground. |
10:15 am – 10:45 am
Library Time Group story time and theme related books. Group discussions with books to share and read individually, songs, fingerplays, calendar and job chart are done. |
10:45 – 11:30 am
Readiness Room Small manipulatives and table toys for fine motor skills, which include; color, shape, number and letter recognition. We introduce simple math and science. social and language skills, cooperation and problem solving are also an integral part. Our writing center is always open for the children to work on. |
11:30 am – 12:15pm
Lunch Time. Hand-washing, both preschool groups are combined and enjoy lunch outside (weather permitting), otherwise we are in the Movement Room for lunch. Optional hot lunch is available on Mon. Tues. & Wed. After children are finished eating, they may play on the |
Preschool children go home. |
12:15 – 12:50 pm | Pre-K children play outside on the playground (weather permitting). |
12:50 pm | Potty Time Children get ready for nap. |
1:00 – 2:15 pm | Naptime All children staying all day have naptime. This is started out with soft music or a story. At the end of nap books may be given to the children that are awake to look at on their bed. |
2:15 – 3:00 pm | Wake up Children are slowly awakened. Once up, the children may play outside or in the Art Room for more activities. |
3:00 – 3:15 pm | Afternoon Snack Time Children are served a healthy snack everyday. The snack menu is posted on the parent bulletin board near the entrance. |
3:15 – 4:30 pm | Afternoon Activities: Possible activities for the afternoon include time in the Readiness Room, Art activities, dramatic play, Movement Room & Outdoor play (weather permitting). |
4:30 – 5:00 pm | Potty and Hand Washing and Late Snack Children are encouraged to finish up any leftover items in their lunchboxes. Parents should supply a little extra food if their child is here at this time. |
5:00 – 6:00 pm | Readiness Room All remaining children combine for some quiet table activities. During this time, they can also gather their belongings and play in small groups while waiting to be picked up. |
6:00 pm | Learning to Learn Closes |